Chatty Women

Chatty Women is made up of women from different walks of life who all have one thing in common--a desire to help other women save money and stay on top of the latest news and trends. On any given day you might see online coupons, in-store specials, or encouragement to not spend at all. Come and chat with us and see what everyone else is talking about.

Stats Summary+/-

Chatty Women has a Wise Score of  46.35, which ranks it #377 among personal finance blogs.

Wise Score is an average of six statistics: MozRank, Number of Links to Domain, Klout Score, Twitter Followers, Alexa Rank, and Compete Rank. A Wise Score of 90 means the blog is better than 90% of its peers "on average". Learn more.

Date  Rank  Wise Score  MozRank  Linking




Mom, affiliate marketer, blogger, Hoosier, and Steelers fan. IU, Ball State and Sigma Kappa alum. Owner of Sunshine Rewards.
Tweeting since 24 February 2008 (16 years 12 weeks)

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Social Media Reach & Influence (by Klout)+/-

Klout Powered
Twitter influence stats by Klout. To get more in-depth Klout analysis of @sunshinetricia, visit

Stat NameValueStat Explanation
Klout Score65.85The Klout Score is a 0-100 rating of @sunshinetricia's overall influence on Twitter.
True Reach2,668True Reach is the size of @sunshinetricia's engaged audience. Klout eliminates inactive and spam accounts, and only include accounts that @sunshinetricia actually influences.
Network Score43.240-100 rating of the influence level of @sunshinetricia's engaged audience.
Amplification Score46.00 0-100 score of the likelihood that @sunshinetricia's tweets will be acted upon by their followers.
Klout Description of @sunshinetricia
@sunshinetricia generates actions and discussions with nearly every message
Klout Classification of @sunshinetricia
Pundit You don't just share news, you create the news. As a pundit, your opinions are wide-spread and highly trusted. You're regularly recognized as a leader in your industry. When you speak, people listen.
Influential Topics Influenced By Influencer Of
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Trident
  • Online Shopping
  • Snapfish
  • Facebook

Majestic SEO Stats+/-

Majestic SEO

Stat NameValueStat Explanation
Referring Domains2,905Number of referring domains known for this item. If -1 then this number is not yet known.
Referring .EDU Domains2Number of referring domains from EDUcational sites (only exact .edu TLD included; no regional domains).
Referring IPs1,338Number of referring IP addresses.
External Backlinks297,013Number of external backlinks for this item.
Indexed URLs16,209Number of URLs for given item type present in index - these are NOT backlinks, but rather URLs belonging to given domain or subdomain: this metric is useful as an indication of domain content size.