The Krazy Coupon Lady

Welcome to KCL, a place where you can learn how to collect and redeem coupons to save BIG money! . We're young, savvy moms on a mission: to empower women to take the reins of their family finances and slash their grocery bill by 50-90%. Now, get ready to throw everything you know about grocery shopping out the window as we share the methods of The Krazy Coupon Lady!


Stats Summary+/-

The Krazy Coupon Lady has a Wise Score of  97.82, which ranks it #2 among personal finance blogs.

Wise Score is an average of six statistics: MozRank, Number of Links to Domain, Klout Score, Twitter Followers, Alexa Rank, and Compete Rank. A Wise Score of 90 means the blog is better than 90% of its peers "on average". Learn more.

Date  Rank  Wise Score  MozRank  Linking




Tweeting since 13 May 2009 (14 years 51 weeks)

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Social Media Reach & Influence (by Klout)+/-

Klout Powered
Twitter influence stats by Klout. To get more in-depth Klout analysis of @krazycouponlady, visit

Stat NameValueStat Explanation
Klout Score60.35The Klout Score is a 0-100 rating of @krazycouponlady's overall influence on Twitter.
True Reach1,670True Reach is the size of @krazycouponlady's engaged audience. Klout eliminates inactive and spam accounts, and only include accounts that @krazycouponlady actually influences.
Network Score34.840-100 rating of the influence level of @krazycouponlady's engaged audience.
Amplification Score9.00 0-100 score of the likelihood that @krazycouponlady's tweets will be acted upon by their followers.
Klout Description of @krazycouponlady
@krazycouponlady creates content that is spread throughout their network and drives discussions
Klout Classification of @krazycouponlady
Broadcaster You broadcast great content that spreads like wildfire. You are an essential information source in your industry. You have a large and diverse audience that values your content.
Influential Topics Influenced By Influencer Of
  • Coupons
  • Kmart
  • Lip Gloss
  • Saving
  • Kohl's

Majestic SEO Stats+/-

Majestic SEO

Stat NameValueStat Explanation
Referring Domains97,138Number of referring domains known for this item. If -1 then this number is not yet known.
Referring .EDU Domains57Number of referring domains from EDUcational sites (only exact .edu TLD included; no regional domains).
Referring .GOV Domains6Number of referring domains from GOVernment sites (only exact .gov TLD included; no regional domains).
Referring IPs41,977Number of referring IP addresses.
External Backlinks15,338,673Number of external backlinks for this item.
Indexed URLs2,713,788Number of URLs for given item type present in index - these are NOT backlinks, but rather URLs belonging to given domain or subdomain: this metric is useful as an indication of domain content size.